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IKIGAI The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life is my next read. Ikigai means the reason of your living. According to Okinawans, the villagers with the most centenarians in the world, ikigai is the reason you get up in the morning.  

Something interesting that I found from this book is the usage of the word 'antifragility'. We know that fragile means when there is external force, something breaks. Resilient means when a thing is harmed, it is able to withstand without weakening. But what about things that get stronger when being harmed? *wow*

So Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb proposed the word 'antifragile'. Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shock and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.  

Image result for japanese broken bowl gold

The Japanese practiced Kintsugi ; an art of fixing broken pottery with golden or silver powder, thus making the repaired one is better than before. There is no need to replace or disguise the broken pottery. We can relate this to our own life. We will always face obstacles, troubles and misfortunes. Nevertheless, we do not need to hide or being ashamed of our fate. We can always come back stronger and more beautiful than ever. Whether the scars are either on our body or in our heart, we should be proud of them since they are the prove that we survived :) and being antifragile. 

Hugs to those outside that suffer from broken heart because of your surrounding. Allah is the ikigai that will help you get through that. <3


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