today is 28 november 2014 and i didn't blogging for almost 9 months!!!
today is 28 november 2014 and i didn't blogging for almost 9 months!!!
many problems came acrossed and so i did not write for a long time such as this year i have to take spm and alhamdulillah i already did. greatly doing sha allah. i put my trust, hope and faith in Allah's hand.
and then there were a few problems with my laptop and so i took the decision to ignore him.
and now he is okey. i don't know who did it.
and i would like to share my experience sitting for SPM.
what i want to say to all my juniors is never ever give up.whatever the obstacles are, never let the world brings you down because we have ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY.
He will surely comfort you in every hardship that you face. when you are with Him, your problems are just a micro matter.
so, here are a few inspirational quotes that i think very related to every single day that i live in college along my journey there.
and lastly people always say that when high school is over,
you have your
but for me it's not. yes you don't have to wear uniforms anymore,you don't have to go for prep, you don't have to go to surau
it is the beginning of adolescent. for now you have to make your own decision, for now you have to take the driving license, for now you have to take care of people out there that need your help!!!!
and honestly, during my last day in school, i have no feeling of 'extra happiness' like my friends for i know that it is not the end yet. my last effort would be the last breath of my life.
i hope that all of us madly missing our kampung halaman which is jannah.
till then
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