Assalamualaikum and hai =) this morning i just finished reading vehaen: satu cerita by ainul farihah. IT IS A GREAT BOOK ABOUT FRIENDSHIP. i just tend to cry to see how strong the friendship between rif'at, imran and amrullah. how Allah tests their friendship yet it remains strong. how they trust each other very much how they love their bestfriend more than themselves how they rely on each other how they did not care who are their friend as long as they are friend. <3 <3 <3 dear Aisyah Mohd Syahidi, i planned to give this book to you as your birthday present and while finishing this book, I MISS IMAN AND SYASYUD. HOW WE LAUGHED TOGETHER LIKE CRAZY PEOPLE HOW WE SAT FOR TRIAL PMR TOGETHER HOW WE SAT FOR PMR TOGETHER HOW WE CELEBRATED EACH OTHER'S BIRTHDAY HOW WE 'RIADAH' SAMA SAMA HOW WE STAYED UP TOGETHER JUST FOR CATHCHING STORIES OF THE WEEK HOW WE SHARED MONEY TO BUY FOOD HOW WE SLEPT TOGETHER...